Section L
Farm Produce
STEWARD: Jenny Smith 9754 2231
Prize Money: First $10; Second $5 Entry Fee: $1
Requirements to exhibit
• Nomination of entry forms must be received at the show office, Churchill Park, by 12 noon Wednesday 30th October
• Exhibits must be delivered to the Emery Pavillion by 9.45am on Friday 1st November.
• Sorry, no late nominations can be accepted.
Requirements to collect Exhibit
• The hall will be cleared of patrons and closed at 4pm to safely remove cages in preparation to collect exhibits.
• Exhibits can be collected Saturday 4th November between 4.15 & 5pm.
• Receipt of entry is required to enter the hall
• All exhibits must have been produced on the exhibitor’s property.
• Where there is only one entry in a class, the prize will be at the discretion of the judge.
• Exhibit cards must be attached to all entries.
Cash prizes have been donated for the best exhibit in classes 1-3 & 4-7.
A voucher has been donated for the most outstanding exhibit in classes 8 to 17.