Section N
STEWARDS: Margaret Babb & Deb Babb 9752 3847
Prize Money: First $10; Second $5 Entry Fee: $1
Requirements to exhibit
Nomination of entry forms must be received at the show office, Churchill Park, by 12 noon Wednesday 30th October.
Exhibits must be delivered to the Emery Pavillion by 9.45am on Friday 1st November.
Sorry, no late nominations can be accepted.
Requirements to collect Exhibit
• The hall will be cleared of patrons and closed at 4pm to safely remove cages in preparation to collect exhibits.
• Exhibits can be collected Saturday 2th November between 4.15 & 5pm.
• Receipt of entry is required to enter the hall
• Unless otherwise specified, exhibits to be one (1) jar or bottle only.
• Exhibits must be in clear glass containers with plain screw top lids.
• Jars to be labelled with type of jam, etc and date.
• Exhibit tickets to be around jar or bottle and held in place with an elastic band.