Section U
STEWARD: Chief Steward – Kylie Hodges 0408 912 575
Prize Money: First $10; Second $5 Entry Fee: $1
Requirements to exhibit
• Nomination of entry forms must be received at the show office, Churchill Park, by 12 noon Wednesday 30th October.
• Exhibits must be delivered to the Emery Pavillion by 9.30am on Thursday 31srt Octob er.
• Sorry, no late nominations can be accepted.
Requirements to collect Exhibit
• The hall will be cleared of patrons and closed at 4pm to safely remove cages in preparation to collect exhibits.
• Exhibits can be collected Saturday 2nd November between 4.15 & 5pm.
• Receipt of entry is required to enter the hall
• Exhibitors are restricted to no more than 3 entries per class in this section
• Special conditions apply to Porcelain Painting
• Exhibits that have previously taken prizes at the Busselton Show shall not be eligible to compete.