Section P
Prize Money: First $10; Second $5 Entry Fee: $1
Requirements to exhibit
• Nomination of entry forms must be received at the show office, Churchill Park, by 12 noon Wednesday 30th October.
• Exhibits must be delivered to the Emery Pavillion by 9.45am on Friday 1st November.
• Sorry, no late nominations can be accepted.
Requirements to collect Exhibit
• The hall will be cleared of patrons and closed at 4pm to safely remove cages in preparation to collect exhibits.
• Exhibits can be collected Saturday 2nd November between 4.15 & 5pm.
• Receipt of Entry is required to enter the hall
• Exhibits: The “work” the exhibitor lodges with the Exhibition Hall Stewards for judging.
• Ownership of exhibits: All exhibits must be the bona fide property of, and grown by, the exhibitor, except in Floral Art and the Children’s Section.
• Exhibitors must supply their own flower containers.
• Each specimen and cut to be in an individual bottle – NOT a jar.
• Specimen roses to be no shorter than 40cm and no taller than 55cm from bench-top.
• Distinct means different colour and/or names.
• Exhibits left in the hall after 5pm on Saturday 2nd November will become the property of the SDAS Busselton. After that time the Society can accept no responsibility for the exhibits or the containers at any time.
• Heavy flowers must be weighted down – sand or rocks in bottle.
• Please remove leaves before placing stem in bottle.
• Bleach – one teaspoon in bucket of water to keep down bacteria. Does not damage flowers.
• Carry cut flowers to show in water.
• Carnations and roses appreciate hot water after being cut.
• To prevent air bubbles in stems, cut under water.
• Special attention should be paid to conditioning flowers and foliage. They must stand in water for AT LEAST 2 hours. Material that is not conditioned in this way will not last for duration of show.
• Foam or cotton in bottle neck can assist in presenting your specimen.